Happy 2nd Year Anniversary to the Whive Network & Blockchain!

Whive Protocol
2 min readFeb 2, 2022


Happy Birthday!

The Whive Protocol is 2 years old today.

The first Block was mined on 2nd February 2020 (02/02/2020) on Block-Hash

Since then, about 100,000 Blocks have been created with slightly over 20 Million coins having been mined during the last 2 years.

Now is the time for the Whive Community to spread the word about the Whive Protocol.

Whive, is designed to incentivize the adoption of Green energy solutions by allowing for the building of distributed energy applications especially in regions of the World that have high Solar Reliability Indices(SRIs) such as South East Asia(SEA) and Africa.

The Whive blockchain rewards the adoption of renewables such as solar using the protocols consensus algorithm.

Here is how the Whive community can help increase the adoption of the Whive Protocol & Blockchain:

  1. Invite more miners to join the network through our community forums on Telegram and Discord.
  2. Encourage more Crypto enthusiasts to add Whive to their CoinMarketCap Watchlists Here.
  3. Apply for $WHIVE coin listing on popular exchanges such as Gate.IO, here, using the information below:

Please give the token’s English full name: Whive Protocol

What is the coin symbol: WHIVE

Project website: https://whive.io

Whitepaper Link: http://greenpaper.whive.io/

Why recommend it :

The Whive protocol is an open-source; proof-of-work blockchain protocol that is incentivizing the building of sustainable distributed energy solutions through trustless rewards and is powered by the Yespower algorithm.

“The Whive protocol is built to allow for only small computer processor CPU mining and is resistant to both medium scale mining(GPU) and Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) high scale mining.

WHIVE is the native utility token that is used for:

Rewarding miners adoption of sustainable and distributed energy resources such as Distributed Solar Energy Crowd-grids

Transactions on the Whive blockchain

Whive is a fair-mined crypto-currency launched by a community of collaborators around the World on 02/02/2020. It has since had over 100 nodes and miners distributed in 20 plus countries around the World.



Whive Protocol

#OpenSource PoW #Blockchain Protocol & #Bitcoin Fork that is driving the adoption of DistributedEnergy Infrastructure #DEPIN Globally with #CPUMining🐝 #Web³