The Whive Protocol; The Safari Begins…

The Whive Protocol
3 min readSep 20, 2018

A Safari (Journey) begins with one step; on the 13th of August 2018 BitHub.Africa Africa’s leading Blockchain hub, hosted the first Whive Protocol meetup which covered the fundamentals of Crypto-currency Mining and Blockchain node setup.

Nicholas Engineering Lead at BitHub.Africa explaining Crypto-currency Mining

The meetup was kicked of by John Karanja Co-Founder and Advisory Lead at BitHub.Africa who took the class through the first Session which covered the Melanin.Solar project which will be built on the Whive protocol.

Melanin.Solar is a secure Distributed Application (DApp) that absorbs energy and generates value. It is being designed specifically to utilize Solar Energy to mine crypto-tokens which will be key in creating sustainable energy market economic models. Melanin.Solar will also leverage Internet of Things (IoT) devices and infrastructure to allow for smart metering for efficient consumption management.

The session covered how mining can be done using solar energy and the equipment needed to do so. The current distribution model was also covered and the value proposition of Melanin Solar was interrogated.

Blockchain Developers & Designers in the making

The second session was presented by Nicholas Mwaura Engineering lead at BitHub Africa. This session covered the basics of mining, the common terminologies:

  • Blockchain A public, permanent, append-only, distributed ledger(database), which has no central server or point of control.
  • Keys, Addresses, Wallets Ownership of crypto-currency is established through digital keys, wallet addresses and digital signatures.
  • Wallet Addresses In the payment portion of a crypto-currency transaction, the recipient’s public key is represented by its digital fingerprint, called a wallet address, which is used in the same way as the beneficiary name on a cheque (i.e. “Pay to the order of ”).
Understanding Mining is Key to becoming a well rounded Blockchain Engineer

Mining was described as the process of obtaining new crypto-currency tokens and also a way to secure transactions by validation to avoid double spending. Validation is done by mining nodes and miners compete to complete new blocks by solving complex mathematical puzzles and winners are usually rewarded with Crypto-currency.

Nicholas also showed the audience a simple altcoins mining rig used at BitHub Africa and Lightning nodes running at the vicinity. BitHub Africa is among the only two Ripple (XRP) validators in whole of Africa and the only one in Kenya.

Vipul a community member sharing his experience on Mining

Lastly, attendees were shown by guest speaker Vipul how to setup a mining node and how to install necessary software as well as configuring wallets. In addition, Vipul demonstrated how to get up and running with mining and best ways to connect hardware and also various types of hardware one can use to mine.

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Whive, is a peer-to-peer blockchain protocol that extends the Bitcoin Blockchain incentivizing the building of sustainable energy solutions through Trustless Rewards.

BitHub.Africa is the founding hub of the Whive Protocol and will run a mining pool for the Whive network when it launches.

Follow this blog for the launch announcement! Join our Telegram group here.

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The Whive Protocol

An #OpenSource #P2P 🔄 & Web³ 🕸️ Protocol using #CPUmining ⛏️ to drive 🌱 #GreenEnergy adoption via #TrustlessRewards 🎁 $WHIVE 🐝 #Blockchain ⛓️ #AI 🧠 #IoT💡